Attorneys at law

Anna-Katharina Götz

Attorney at law
Administrative law
Commercial Lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Phone: 089/29058-144
Fax: 089/29058-206

Anna-Katharina Götz

Personal details:

Law studies and trainee lawyer in Bayreuth and Munich

Completion of additional economics education in 2017

1st legal state exam in 2019
2nd legal state exam in 2021

Assistant at unit Dr. Leitner, Labbé & Partner since 2021

Main activities

Consulting and representing property owners and companies, particularly in connection with access to properties by public authorities; representing affected parties in connection with the planning of specialized projects, e.g., pursuant to the German Federal Highway Act and the German Air-Traffic Act; securing and asserting claims for compensation in connection

with public construction projects; enforcing and securing building permits and related representation before municipalities and public authorities; consulting and representing affected parties in reallocation projects

Consulting and representing clients in connection with issues of water law and imission-protection law